Exploring Plant-Based Living

1st Sunday of every month
7:15-8:15 pm Eastern

This is a group for anyone and everyone who is interested and curious about exploring and developing more of a plant-based lifestyle. No matter whether you are currently vegan or consume animals/animal products, wear leather and wool or not, we offer a compassionate non-judgmental space to explore the connection between what we consume, our spirituality, and our connection to the earth.

During our time together we will explore the Buddha’s teaching on ahimsa (non harming) through readings and Dhamma talks. In addition, we will share practical resources with one another, such as tips on cooking, recipes, new findings from research etc. Most importantly, this group will be a collective effort to support one another on this important journey.

Join us please! See our calendar for Zoom link. If you require a passcode, please utilize our contact form.